No sooner were the ceremonies of the wedding over the stepmother began to show herself in her true colors. She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl, because they made her own daughters appear the more odious. She employed Cinderella; in the meanest work of the house:-- She scoured the dishes, tables, etc., and cleaned madam's chamber, and those of misses. She slept in a sorry garret, on a wretched straw bed...[France; Charles Perrault]
red knees
this scrubbing of the tiles
bare foot
continuing the Cinderella Syndrome or What every girl should have; well!!! at least once in her lifetime, anyways...
in haiku/haibun style throughout the month of August; e-mail me or add your contributions at comments; to included in the day's post
Good haiga, Gillena...very familiar :)
I like this one. I'm fascinated by your new project...
The haiku is great, the picture will take some days to settle in my brain.
Best wishes
A fascinating project, indeed.
red knees
this scrubbing of the tiles
bare foot
As always, Gillena! _m
thanks all of you for dropping in today
Magyar thanks for shaaring our haiku i have posted it up front
much love
for the king's ball
the finest silk and satins
and sparkling jewels
to adorn and fool the eyes
but not the heart of true love
Syndrome picture!
Is there such picture ever since.
Full of dream, Wonderful!
It's impressive howe creative you are!
Love the haiku:)
Adelaide, thanks for our tanka; i'll post it upfront
Sakuo san and joo; glad you stopped by
much love
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