original image from...
at sunrise
the call of
--gillena cox
hearth broom
in a cloud of ash dust
she dances
--Bette Norcross Wappner (b'oki)
When her father and stepmother and two sisters came home after the ball they could talk of nothing but the lovely lady: "Ah, would not you have like to have been there?" said the sisters to Cinder Maid/ Cinderella... as she helped them to take off their fine dresses. "The was a most lovely lady with a dress like the heavens and shoes of bright copper, and the prince would dance with none but her; and when midnight came she disappeared and the prince could not find her. He is going to give a second ball in the hope that she will come again. Perhaps she will not, and then we will have our chance." [The Cinder Maid;reconstructed from various European sources by Joseph Jacobs]
continuing the Cinderella Syndrome or What every girl should have; well!!! at least once in her lifetime, anyways...in haiku/haibun style throughout the month of August; e-mail me or add your contributions at comments; to beincluded in the day's post
beautiful photo and poems wow
I'm impressed by your Cindirella project, wow, simply impressed:)
the poems are beautiful!
Lorraine, Joo, Frieda; your visit is much appreiciated
much love
dear cinderella
finally met a fella
broke the glass slippers
Just a little somethin' somethin' born out of my Cinderella Syndrome. :)
Sprinkling Fairy Dust all around!
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