Linking today to Sunday Whirl Wordle #113
in the wake of chalk and duster
knowledge confounded
a cave cut
in the hillside of mischief
a load of dynamite
shatters the status
of anything
that makes sense
the chattering
at recess pours in
after the bell
they giggle
whispering the scoop
from cupped hands
trying to drive
the teachers crazy
their splits
island children sanction
anancy tales
--gillena cox
Children soon learn if they can get the upper hand with teachers especially with a little anancy spider their running mate.
Love it! And love how we all take different slants from the same handful of words.
smiles; glad you dropped in
much love
J Cosmo
glad you liked it, thank you for stopping by
much love...
I love the anancy reference. We've done some reading of "anansi" stories in my classroom. This was a fun read. Students are the same world wide, eh? Nice write!
glad you stopped by
much love...
Lovely write for the wordle! And I learned a new word: anancy :)
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