We chatted this morning, the Nalis St James book club, with author Balkrishna Naipaul. He told us he has nine published novels to date, ' Arc on the Horizon' is his first novel. Chatting with this author, time seemed to just slip away, as we entered the dimension of a man, broad in spectrum, and tiny in the universal scheme of reality; i was so extremely happy to be in his presence, especially since i'm reading at present his first novel.
a sampling
all the question and answers
fitted to a span
--gillena cox
Linking Today to Thursday's Challenge

Interesting author, I understand that it had a good time!
Wonder if he is related to Vidia Naipaul, another famous author
How nice to be able to speak with an author that you are familiar with. Great post for the meme.
I can easily imagine that thrill and the pastries, oh my gosh, more please....lol
Thanks for stopping by Leovi
much love...
Yes he is related to VS Naipaul; thanks for dropping in Magiceye
much love...
Thanks Betty
much love...
Lorraine, thats a known trait of our get-togethers, good eats; smiles
much love...
firstly, thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my entry in the nice way that you did!
To be able to chat with an autor, seems to me as an opportunity wich one should cherrish, very special.
I wish you many more of those cherrishable moments!
Melody, thanks for the return visit
much love...
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