Its Renku Saturday #44, revisit Renku Saturday #43
Comment a verse to the haiku dialogue if you wish, i'll edit, and pin it upfront
swatting mosquitoes...
tired hands accrue
angry tempers
thin legs of a boy kicking
discarded tins in the street
--gillena cox
Chasing dragon flies
Today what place is it
he has strayed off to?
--Chiyo-ni (1701-1775)
around and around
burn away the will to bite
smoke swirls higher still
First snow falling
through darkness
reading in blanket
caressing the spot on wrist
mosquito sucked through
'switching from citronella candles to coils'
Linked today to 6WS

Curious as to why the switch from candle to coil?
the mosquitoes seem insenitive to the citronella candles, even though they would shy away from citronella incense; couldn't get incense so i took the next most effect the coils, it seems the smokiness annoys them
much love...
around and around
burn away the will to bite
smoke swirls higher still
SPF thanks for sharing
Much love...
Mosquito season is over here, winter is coming…
have a wonderful Sunday!
First snow falling
through darkness
Frieda have a nice winter, enjoy and be safe; dont put too much stress on your legs
much love...
Thanks for sharing Lorraine
much love...
No more citronella - summer's over… so sad, isn;t it?
happy you dropped in
much love...
That seems interesting.
I would like to continue:
reading in blanket
caressing the spot on wrist
mosquito sucked through
Thanks for sharing Anmol
Much love
oh my I do detest those pesky bugs...love the Haikus!
thanks for stopping by Kathe
much love...
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