flip flops images from google dot com
A treasure, the sand between my toes;
Washed from my flip flops, with a length of hose;
Such fun days, pearled in sea shells on the beach,
And other such like ones, hoarded within my reach;
Rocks to climb, mountains steep to gaze,
while frangipani redden, beneath the sun rays;
I treasure such memories of youth.

sorting groceries
the crumple of plastic -
empty bags for trash
sorting groceries
the crumple of plastic -
empties now trash bags
--gillena cox
pile up
taste of

Lovely words. Flip flops are fun to wear on the beach.
Yes, trash and treasure within your reach and our hearts. Very nice.
Happy you dropped in Hazel
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Thanks for dropping in Alan
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Very nice :)
I enjoyed the glimpse into your memories of youth, Gillena, not least because they sound so exotic to me who come from a place where you hardly wear flip flops because the weather is too cool.
Thank you Danesh
much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Gabriella
much love...
I like your memories of the beach. A treasure for your mind. Nice writing.
I'm just back from the first part of my summer holidays...and I spent them almost entirely in flip-flops... great times, and you bring them back to me :) (Now I'm back at work wearing normal shoes)
Yes sand so casually washed away is indeed part of a treasured memory. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Thanks Myrna
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Happy you dropped in Frieda
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Thanks for your appreciation Peggy
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Our memories of youth are indeed a treasure. Interesting how everyday objects/places can trigger our memory and whole concatenation of images and remembrances are brought into our mind. Lovely write, Gillena.
Yes, memories are treasures.
Beautiful beach scene and splendid haiku!
Beautiful capture with a lovely cadence. Wonderful writing, Gillena.
thank you Gillena for sharing this treasure with us...love the haiku set :)
Thank you for your appreciation Nicholas
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Laurie
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Thanks Rallentanda
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Thanks Wendy
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Thanks for your appreciation Sumana
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the sand between my feet... the shells from the beach .. all treasured for a while and later discarded!! beautiful!
What a nice memory! I can relate...Thanks, Gillena!
Wonderful memories.
broken flip-flop
the hot sand
on one foot
I loved the childhood memories poem, but I also liked the two renditions of the bags, from carrying treasures to bags now carrying trash.
I love poems about childhood memories. And sand between the toes, I think, is a very special one. I had to look up 'frangipani,' as I hadn't heard that word. But when I found out it was also called plumeria, I KNEW what you were talking about - as I have seen plumeria in Hawaii & love them. Always keep your memories of youth, Gillena, and keep preserving them with poetry.
Thank you for your appreciation Arushi
much love...
Happy you stopped by Humbird
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Nice; thank you for sharing Adelaide
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Mary
much love...
Flip flops and the beach...a time to be treasured! Nice one Gillena.
Lovely poem, Gillena! I really enjoyed it.
that's a nice treasure of youth..loved this one a lot:)
Thank you PL
much love...
Thanks Minerva
much love...
happy you stopped by Arathi
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Donna
much love...
Beautiful memories.
Happy you dropped in Gail
Much love...
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