image from google dot com
broken eyelids scar
delicate threads of sadness
morning weaves sunlight
broken rifles scatter
grief so high a mounain creens
at broken bodies
broken skins shed hearts
robust from the power dread
greedy to suffer
break that TV screen!
monster of broken torture
switching you's and i's
so all may see me
the backs of technology
i dare to ride on
breaking news dreams souls
bound to garish depictions
broken planet earth
ah now the sweet treat
of a cherished broken thing
quite by accident
broken coffee pot
bought at the ten dollar store
charming little thing
broken glass
Poetry Jam the prompt is "broken"

I enjoyed each of your stanzas, Gillena. Ha, I think oftentimes we might be better off with a broken tv screen....and oh that breaking news that we cannot escape. I smiled at the last one with the broken coffee pot!
So many different types of broken - very enjoyable.
thank you for your appreciation Mary
much love...
Happy you dropped in Elaine
much love...
Ahh, but replaceable.
oh I need a break from the tv occasionally...all the negativity...I went without for like 3 years once...it was actually very nice....ha...nice cornucopia of the broken
Very nicely done--a sad topic well painted.
I like how you played with the different images that 'broken' suggests, Gillena.
happy you dropped in Laurie
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Brian
much love...
Thanks Peggy
much love...
Thank you Gabriella
much love...
The broken cherished thing is hard to lose but quickly forgotten.
Broken can mean many things but, a broken world makes me cry..
Thank you for your appreciation Rallentanda
Much love...
Indeed Trudessa, thanks for stopping by
Much love...
enjoyed reading it, beautiful portrayal of the prompt
Woolen Socks
Love this, just because it is broken does not mean it cannot be loved.
All so sad , and yet so beautiful! Have a beautiful day Gillena
Broken in so many ways and all the while to be readily mended. Great lines Gillena!
'broken' has associations with sadness. ...i like the way you brought them all. ...Hey Gillena missing your jingle bells ....
The switch from heavy/serious things to the coffee pot is a good contrast. This flows nicely, too.
Thank you Cifar
Much love...
I agree with Alan .. much to love about the broken And the chance to help mend someone or something is priceless.
Thank you for your appreciation Alan
Much love...
Thanks Lorraine
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Hank
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Sumana
Oh, i have to fix that, Christmas countdown to be reinstated
Much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Justin
Much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Helen
Much love...
the infants
heirs to this poisoned world
soured icons
__We must change, a return to the more humane and pure-thought society that would enrich the world we leave to them... by not being the 'soured icons' that they would follow.
Indeed our legacy should be one of pursuing goals for harmonious life ; Magyar , glad you
dropped in thanks for your sharing
Much love...
Well written, Gillena. I enjoyed reading this.
Thank you Nicholas
much love...
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