Sunday, January 15, 2017


dry season the wind
at my toes ruffling leaves -
garden: place to read

© gillena cox 2017

15th Jan 2015
Sunday Lime 19
Sunday Savvy 19

Hot days in the season of Carnival

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #19 in the series, The Sunday Standard, when a 5-7-5 haiku is featured. How is your Sunday going email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

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Blog hopping at

Poetry Pantry #336



thotpurge said...

such a soothing image..

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for dropping in Thotpurge

much love...

Julian said...

Ooo makes me remember warm summer days relaxing in a sunny garden. Very nice too.

Jae Rose said...

That sounds like a lovely space to be in

Diane Mayr said...

How nice that you can sit in your garden and read--it's going to be months before we'll be able to do that here. Have a great week.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Lovely image, Gillena :D would be nice to settle down with a book or two❤️

Happy Sunday..!

Kerry O'Connor said...

Fine words beautifully presented.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Reading in a garden - a lovely peaceful image - and pastime.

brudberg said...

Yes.. we need gardens.

If you have a garden and library you have everything...

Purba chakraborty said...

I loved the image. I enjoy reading in my garden :)

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Julian

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Jae

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Diane. Warm wishes.

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Sanaa

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Kerry

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Sherry

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Björn

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Purba

Much love...

C.C. said...

Sounds absolutely lovely, Gillena.


"my toes ruffling leaves" ... I love that feeling.

ZQ said...

"... ruffling leaves -
Aren't we all?
Another beautiful write.

Old Egg said...

That image of you reading with your toes ruffling the leaves made me feel quite envious Gillena.

Truedessa said...

I'd love to be reading in a garden, unfortunately it is cold here. I will read in the garden of my mind. Lovely words...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy Sunday CC

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Iris

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by ZQ

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

🌿 happy you dropped by Robin

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Warm Wishes Truedessa.

Much love...

Wendy Bourke said...

This is so serene. I can just envision that ruffling wind. I thought the final line ‘garden: place to read’ was beautifully nuanced as garden (noun or verb) is a nurturing place or act.

Anonymous said...

Calm and quiet,


Susan said...

The reading was a delightful surprise! Of course, I read there too. And that's so wonderful.

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Wendy

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping Elizabeth

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Susan

much love...

Bekkie Sanchez said...

The best place to read! Hugs!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Bekkie

much love...