Tuesday, May 30, 2017


[image courtesy Carpe Diem]

a wandering crow
its old nest has become
a plum tree

lingering twilight adds
a coat of gold to evening

washed in silhouettes
her cabin dons a creepy mien -
bedtime stories

a cricket withholds its chirp
green leaves wet with dew

coffee aromas
in hushed tones of morning's breath -
earnest prayers

feet slipping into sandals
to continue trek of scenes
。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

[image courtesy Carpe Diem]

wind in the pines
swirls upward to heaven
whispered prayers

her steady trust of needle
beauty embroiders itself
。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Blog hopping with Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Tan Renga Challenge Month 2017 #18 a wandering crow (Matsuo Basho)

This pre-script was not by Basho himself, it was added by Doho in his book Sho O Zen-den. In this poem Basho compares himself to the crow painted on the screen. Instead of lodging in the simplicity of a crow's nest, he sleeps among plum blossoms because he is staying with an elegant friend. Crows are not usually considered a migrating bird, but the idea of a wandering crow means a bird of passage or a priest on a journey. (Source: "Basho's Complete Haiku" by Jane Reichhold)

a wandering crow
its old nest has become
a plum tree

-hokku © Basho (Tr. Jane Reichhold)

lingering twilight adds
a coat of gold to evening

washed in silhouettes
her cabin dons a creepy mien -
bedtime stories

a cricket withholds its chirp
green leaves wet with dew

coffee aromas
in hushed tones of morning's breath -
earnest prayers

feet slipping into sandals
to continue trek of scenes

- verses 2-6 © gillena cox

Carpe Diem
Tan Renga Challenge Month 2017 #17 wind in the pines (Candy)

wind in the pines
swirls upward to heaven
whispered prayers
© Candy

her steady trust of needle
beauty embroiders itself
© gillena cox

30th May 2016
30th May 2015
30th May 2014


Chèvrefeuille said...

A beautiful Soliloquy no Renga Gillena. Thank you for sharing.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Kristjaan

Much love...

Sue (this n that) said...

Beautiful and evocative, thanks Gillena :D)

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Sue

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Lolly

much love...

Adelaide said...

You are one talented haijin as well as a prolific writer.
Congrats on getting two haiku in Heron's Nest.


Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Adelaide

much love...