yellow brick road
the shuffle of fear and angst
in earth tremors
earth tremors -
the balm of tea after
how consoling
© gillena cox 2018
Still trembling from Tuesday's 6.9 so my art and haiku today are thus inspired
[digital collage Time For Tea]

[3images from the internet FORM MY DIGITAL COLLAGE; Fair use]

Week 25, Year 8

24 August 2014
24 August 2013
24 August 2012
Enjoy the music
Lovely work, glad you are safe, hadn't heard about the earthquake in your region.
Thanks Christine. Happy you dropped by
much love...
Oh what a fun and creative piece of art work ~ delightful!
Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores
Love your creative talents! One never forgets an earthquake experience. Very unnerving! Enjoy your PPF
Creative, beautiful words and collages on the tea theme.
Happy PPF xx
Thanks for your appreciation Carol
Thanks for dropping by Susan
Thanks for dropping by Sirkkis
Sorry about the earth tremours, that must be very scary. Love the art with the yellow brick road and spotty tea service, great! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie
it's wonderful hopeful art Gillena. I hope everyone is OK- that must have been quite scary. Happy PPF!
Thanks for dropping by Valerie
Sure was terrifing Linda. Thanks for dropping by
Beautiful and happy work I am so sorry about the earth tremors...scary!!!
Happy PPF !!!
Thanks for dropping by Jan
Happy you dropped by Clare
I'm glad you are safe. I also very much enjoyed your words and image.
Thanks for dropping by Lisa
Gilena I love how your mind creates. It is as if you are a step ahead. I am so glad you are safe. I am wondering where you live. We had a 6.2 here on the Oregon coast the other day too.
Thanks for dropping by Nicole. Glad you too are safe
Much👩🎨love from St James, Trinidad
Well done Gillene, it's so charming and fresh! :)
Love this, Gillene.
Thanks for dropping by Sim
Thanks for dropping by Taluula
An intriguing and thoughtful haiku. When I pause to think about it, I suppose that all things are more even-footed when we are not singing. Very cool capture, Gillena.
Thanka for dropping by Wendy
much love...
WOW. 6.7 would be hard not to notice! I always enjoy your haikus, Gillena.
cool. love your brickroad :)
Thanks for dropping by Bev
much love...
Happy you dropped by Monica
much love...
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