Her choice is breakfast. Options given were a cheque or we do something together. Spa, movie, lunch. My how time flies when one is having fun. But in between there are so many questioning days, am i doing this right. Schucks! there is no manual for this. Parenting is a gutsy affair. You feel, you sense, you pray, you love, you hope for the best.
bedroom calendar -
circling in red
November 28th
© gillena cox 2018

Poets United Midweek Motif ~
Ode To Age. Prompted by Sumana
I say/she say
daughter and grandaughter
Aha...time does fly :)
"Parenting is a gutsy affair."
And there's the circle on the calendar, year after year as time flies by!
There's probably no harder job in the world than parenting, and doing it well.
Parenting is a gutsy affair
Yes, gillena! Nothing runs smooth, not with the present generation who will run riot if denied 'their rights'
Happy you dropped by Sumana
Thanks for dropping by Susan
Thanks for your appreciation MMT
Thanks for your appreciation Hank
However you celebrate, it will be wonderful. Because you'll be together.
Being so close to my three kids it is quite a habit to do things regularly. We use any excuse for a get together!
Aloha 🌺
Love the way you say parenting is a gutsy affair!!
Thanks for dropping by Sherry
☺happy you dropped by Robin
Happy ypu dropped by Cloudia
Thanks for your appreciation Rajani
I have a Sagittarian child born on that date too....
Ah, the circle on the calendar! Mine is on 22nd November, my daughter's birthday! I'm travelling four hours next Wednesday to babysit my grandson while her husband takes her out for a meal. I'm looking forward to a couple of days with them. I wish you and yours a wonderful 28th November, Gillena!
Happy you dropped by Rall
Thanks for your appreciation Kim
It slips away so quickly doesn't it?
Thanks gor your appreciatipn Linda
Lovely, Gillena. I like the date circled on the calendar.
Thanks for your appreciation Sara
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