morning star -
you are
© gillena cox 2019
So here we are in the month I love most. Herein you'll find: My Birthday, St Valentines Day, always the nonconformity of the shortest month of the year, and eccentricity - sometimes 28 - some times its 29 days long.
This year, expect a Supermoon on the 19th.
Season of Carnival here in T&T; Sun and Fun are the main Characters.
Sunday Smiles
Blog hopping today with

Poetry Pantry # 438

Haiku My Heart
just being me
Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #22 of the series SUMI-E SUNDAYS. Tell me about your Sunday
email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below
Sunday Standard 22
Sunday Lime 22
3 February2017
Wherever there is love, there is the Bright and Morning Star.
I love the sight of the morning star.
I love this.
How comforting to see the morning star.
Thanks for your appreciation Maggie
Thanks for dropping by Rommy
Happy you dropped by Sherry
Thanks for your appreciation Annell
So nice to be here Gillena. Love your discovery of the morning star and your description of February. Now I think I like this month too. (Happy Birthday)
Oh that's a joyful thing to see... :-)
Oh that is a lovely thing to see!!❤️
A joyful beginning to the month! :)
Thanks for your appreciation Myrna
Thanks for your appreciation Björn
Thanks for your appreciation Sanaa
Thanks for your appreciation Chrissa
Wonderful write, Gillena.
Thanks for your appreciation Vicki
February has a special meaning for me. I hope it brings you many smiles.
Oh I love that morning star! A good one to dream with.
O yes! Sweet and perfect, conveys so much unsaid.
There is so much to love in this life isn't there? The only trouble with Febraury is that it makes the year go quicker as it is always in a hurry with only 28/29 days to give us!
Love it! Deeply philosophical - with the lightest touch of whimsical humor.
I love this Gillena! She shines on us all! Thank you!
Thanks for dropping by Truedessa
Thanks for dropping by Mary
Thank you for yoyr appreciation Rosemary
☺ i see your poing Robin. Happy you dropped by
Thank you for your appreciation Wendy
Happy you dropped by Lea
Now that is a story, Morning Glory!
Thank you for dropping by Whitesnake
Sounds like you'll be having a fun month
☺thanks for droppong by KB
your haiku is deeply reassuring! thank you for sharing all the ways to LOVE February-and YOU!
Thanks for dropping by Rebecca
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