At Carpe Diem, Kristjaan challenges us to create an all new haiku inspired on the haiku of an "archive-choice". So here is my new haiku 2019 worked from a 2015 haiku.
daisy petals fall
plucked in testing of -
loves ardour
© gillena cox 2019
plucking petals
daisy tales of true love
or not true love
© gillena cox 2015
plucking dasies 2015
Season of Lent here in T&T fasting and abstinence are concepts we dwell on and we practise

Sunday Smiles

Carpe Diem
Weekend Meditation #75 Poetry Archive (2) Honeysuckle
[his example]
my dreams wander
along the path of my life ...
Honeysuckle blooms
© Chèvrefeuille (2015)
And as you maybe remember the other goal is to create an all new haiku inspired on the haiku of your "archive-choice". So here is my new haiku inspired on this haiku.
in the twilight
dreams whirl through my mind
Honeysuckle perfume
© Chèvrefeuille (2019)

Poetry Pantry # 442

Haiku My Heart
Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #26 of the series SUMI-E SUNDAYS. Tell me about your Sunday
email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below
10 March 2017
Sunday Standard 26
Sunday Lime 26
Really like the impression of "love's ardour' here...
Daisies know everything when it comes to love's ardour ❤️ Delightful verse, Gillena!
Thanks for your appreciation Scott
Thanks for your appreciation Sanaa
I loved the daisies and the honeysuckle threaded through your poems.
love's ardor
it's either yes or no
petal by petal
Riveting imagery!!
Apparently, this is a game of French origin. With 11 petals you can determine the outcome by choosing "loves me" or "loves me not" as the first line.
loves me, loves me not one is always hopeful for a positive outcome.
Oh, I DO hope it is true love!
Happy you dropped by Sherry
Aha, nice; thank you for sharing a haiku Björn
Thanks for your appreciation Suyash
Happy you dropped by Adelaide
Yes, indeed. Thanks for dropping by Trudessa
Happy you dropped by Mary
Nice twist on your original haiku.
Thank you for dropping by Ken
Interesting shift in perspective--in the original each petal feels like a story being released, in the more recent poem I'm left with the impression that love itself is being (almost mechanically) put to the test.
Plucking daisy petals can be an interesting way to get to the truth...or not...
They do fall. I, hopefully, will not! (I'm too old for the games.)
Thanks for your appreciation Chrissa
Thanks for your appreciation Maggie
Thanks for your appreciation Susan
Picking petals saying: she loves me, she loves me not was a bit of a risk as it was even money chance either would win. It was far better to have a buttercup place just under the chin and if you liked butter (with a yellow reflection) you were a match!
The falling of daisy petals is such a comforting image somehow. A lovely haiku, Gillena! :-)
😊😊😊thanks for dropping by Robin
Thank you for your appreciation Anmol
Ah, sweet reminiscence for me.
He loves me he loves me not. We used to play this daisy petal game as children.Sweet haiku
This brings back such memories... of being young, innocent and the smell of summer in the pasture of my childhood... lovely Gilena, thank you!
Thank you for your appreciation Rosemary
Thank you for your appreciation Rall
Thank you for your appreciation Lea
I enjoyed both of these, Gillena - though the second piece, with its whimsical hope of a test for 'loves ardour' had an enchanting young-love innocence to it that was so charming pinned to a simple daisy (which, for some reason, I think of in terms of youth).
Thank you for your appreciation Wendy
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