Everywhere we carried it. In the synchronicity of smiles, in sand between wet toes and dry toes, in the sparkling clear water of Grand Anse; an ocean span from home. It was light, it was bubbly, it was heady, it was exciting, it was blissful. Yes we carried it, holding it between each of our hearts. Our love. Sometimes the jealous sunshine can drive lovers to huddle in the shade of sea grape trees.
path to the beach -
on a Fragipani tree
caterpillars loop
© gillena cox 2020
[# this haibun moves away from the standard form, because past tense is used, i plead your indulgence]
Bye Feburary, we luv U!
Season of somber repenting days now. Season of Lent

[smiley created in Picmonkey]
Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #61 of the series SUMI-E SUNDAYS. Tell me about your Sunday
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Recuerda Mi Corazon
a weekly unfurling of tiny jubilant love
Poets and Storytellers United
Writers’ Pantry #9: Rabbit Rabbit

Carpe Diem
#1819 romance on the beach (haibun)
Sunday Standard 61
Sunday Lime 61
1 March 2019
[gif created in Picsart, background photo © gillena cox]

Oh Gillena, thank you for starting my day with the wonderful sea grape trees and the lovely frangipani. I can feel the wet sand and the soft breezes. It used to be that way here, although more sea oats than frangipani, but now the beach is filled with tourists on a mission instead of carefree smiles. Throw the grackles some treats. Blessings to you.
Thanks for your appreciation Judie
much love
Such a wonderful place, oceans away I can still feel the sands on my feet.
Mmmm...I wish I was there now. I'd even forgive the jealous sun a little after this February cold.
Sounds heavenly, Gillena!💝 I would love to "huddle in the shade of sea grape trees."😃
Thanks for your appreciation Björn
much love
😊Thanks for your appreciation Rommy
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Sanaa
much love
Haibunilicious, G. Well done.
A lovely and vivid imagery. The path to the beach is rather enticing.
And good luck with lent, if you are fasting. Much love!
Beautiful scene--very welcome, inspired beach imagery.
Wonderful Gillena!
Happy start of March for you!
Susi xxx
Humble bow. Thank you for your appreciation Ron
much love
Thanks for your dropping by Khaya
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Chrissa
Happy you dropped by Susi
much love
A lovely take on how to carry love. Great job😊
A beautiful write … and the path to the beach sounds romantic.
I did the same thing in my haibun--wrote the prose in past tense--so, I guess, I should forgive you, lol!
Thank you for the visual tour.
I really enjoyed this Gillena, thank you! Oh those loops of life!!!
Thanks for your appreciation Vivian
much love
Thanks for your dropping by Bev
much love
😊happy you dropped by Magaly
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Lea
much love
Happy to indulge a minor variation in such a wonderful haibun!
Now I want to cast upon sea grapes trees and look forward to the fragrances of the Fragipani. I'm not familiar but willing to learn more about them.
That is one of the problems of getting older having memories of our younger days when life was so complete and enjoyable.
Thanks for your appreciation Rosemary
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Joel
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Robin
much love
Oh I love that image of huddling in the shade of sea grape trees!
Thanks for your appreciation Rajani
much love
fun haiku and creative artwork too ~
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
A beautiful haibun to linger over.
Lovely. Beautifully expressed, no matter what tense. It's your work; you write as you feel. That's all that we need.
A path, a tree, a caterpillar...and love. What more could you ask?
Thanks for your appreciation Carol
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Wendy
much love
Thanks for your encouragement Adelaide
much love
Thanks for your appreciation Maggie
much love
the name "sea grape trees" is poetic all by itself. sigh.
Thanks for your appreciation Margaret
much love
It wraps me up in sun and sand. Sigh
Thanks for your appreciation Margaret
much love
It seems to me that the pathway to the beach was strewn with joy!
your words have transported me into the circle of love!!!!
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