The haiku in today's haiga(illustrated haiku)
crossing the street
the day moon
on my right
--gillena cox
Today's note syllables
crossing the street/the day moon/on my right = 10 syllables
Present day writers of haiku in English agree; stay within 17syllables, or you cross over into another genre.
In English hai.ku = 2 syllables; in Japanese ha.i.ku = 3 syllables
Today's tag
I invite you to share some of your syllables expertise with me
Thank you-- Magyar for
stepping from the form
this pattern constricts our minds
a model changes
locking in
rules can harm the thought
think beyond
this fence
we leap across
new field
__I havn't achieved a level that would allow me to say... what I feel the forms of English language haiku/senryu should be.
__5-7-5, 3-5-3, one line, two lines, three... I simply allow my thoughts to 'fall out...' within that 17 syllable limit; right or wrong, minimal words. Others can be critical.
stepping from the form
this pattern constricts our minds
a model changes
locking in
rules can harm the thought
think beyond
this fence
we leap across
new field
__These three senryu reach, I hope, the same point. Right form, or wrong... is a matter of so many differing opinions.
Best wishes, always. _m
Doug thank you for your impressions and your haiku sharings
much love...
Well done Gillena :)
glad you stopped by Lorraine
much love...
Nice one. I'm a devil for not sticking to forms normally, but for some reason I stick to 17 syllables. I MUST rebel :-)
Nice one, Gillena. Your message came through, starting with the white moon in the sky I was envisioning several streets where I might be.
I do appreciate the forms and mostly I use them. My idol poet, Ted Kooser (Nebraska Poet Laureate and U/N prof) says to try to keep the articles (a, an, the, etc) to help the reading flow.
When I need more than the 14 for the Senryƫ (most of my 14'ers are this one) or Haiku then I go to the Tanka (like I did today) for a further message.
ACCEPTED for publication in September 2019
"crossing the street
the day moon
on my right"
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