Linking today to Six Word Saturday AND Back Linking to Paint Party Friday
...its comfortably warm this morning, not yet too hot, and sunny; i'm reading 'Life of Pi' by Yann Martel (a book club recommended novel - which means other persons in my book club are also reading this) i've gotten through more than half, my favourite quote so far is from [page 6]
"The reason death sticks so closely to life isn't biological necessity — it's envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can. But life leaps over oblivion lightly, losing only a thing or two of no importance, and gloom is but the passing shadow of a cloud."
...so i decide to sit outside this morning, (i'm an 'empty nester' so my time structuring is very much mine) Wow! my blessed sixties; my son and daughter, out on their own; my grand daughter will be one year old next month; i'm truly and humbly thankful for today, and yesterdays.
on the front steps ants crawling
--gillena cox
A marvelous haibun. Salute!
Didn't care much for the novel, & I thought the movie was even worse, though it did have some visual appeal.
If you're interested, here's a haibun I wrote for the World Haiku Review, published back in March, about the Full Harvest Moon experience:
I still haven't read the book and I keep hearing mixed reactions to it so I keep postponing it. Are you enjoying it so far?
Sounds like a fab Saturday... enjoy your weekend!
perfect visual.
that book is so on my to be read list...
To celebrate the publication of my memoir, Dangled Carat, I have several giveaways on my blogs - prizes include autographed copies of the book, a ring from Berricle jewelers and a $25 Victoria Secret gift card - I hope you can check it out...
Ron thank you for leaving our link, will visit
much love...
Cessie apart from the quotation i pulled out, frankly, its not my kind of novel
much love...
Mishla, happy you dropped in
much love...
glad you dropped in Hilary, sounds like a mini festival at you blog, will visit
much love...
Wonderful analogy and piece art to match!!
Hugs Giggles
Thank you Giggles, happy you dropped in
much love...
Love that quote, and your words! Have a good weekend.
glad you stopped by Beth
much love...
I read that quite a while ago and didn't initially remember the quote. (the short-term memory's not what it was :)) I should have because it's a great one. Peace and warmth- two of my favourite things- enjoy!
Wonderful composition, excellent!!
Love the imagery both visual and in words
Being grateful is a grace, this is beautiful, as always Gillena
Jo, thank you for stopping by
much love...
Thank you Leovi
much love...
Fiona, happy you dropped in
much love...
Thank you Lorraine
much love...
Wonderful work. Happy PPF.
Thank you Soulbrush
much love...
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