little hummingbird
feeding from my ixoras...
do you see me
-- gillena cox
Poetry Jam 'Where You Live'

Carpe Diem #387-pilgrim

on a pilgrimage
a quest to the truth of life -
skylarks sing their song
skylarks sing their song
giving the O-Henro new energy
on their pilgrimage
(c) Chèvrefeuille
PPFWeek 47 year 3
The last line is a real shift which surprises the reader. Nice!
Such an abstract image of the hummer!
This delighted me! The hummingbird is indeed an intrepid pilgrim!
I really like this composition, abstract fine, beautiful colors!
Rita, thank you for your appreciation
much love...
happy you dropped by Kim
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation, WabiSabi
much love...
happy you stopped by Leovi
much love...
very sweet and I learned the name of the flower, ixoras!
A bird and flowers, a very sweet looking place!
sweet post today, Gillena
You have created a delightful word picture!
used to have a kid i worked with...his porch was full of hummingbirds...they are such amazing birds....we get a few in the summers....
glad you stopped by Robyn
much love...
Thanks Gabriella
much love...
Thanks AD
much love...
they are like flying jewels arn't they Brians; thanks for stopping by
much love...
I googled the flower and now can perfectly see the hummer feeding! Thank you for this lovely image.
I used to have a hummingbird feeder, but all I attracted were ants, no hummingbirds.
Thank you for your appreciation Peggy
Much love ...
Happy you stopped by Adelaide, maybe some ixora plants would help
Much love...
I always, always see you, your art shines
(◕‿◕。) thank you Lorraine
Much love…
Beautiful lines as always. Happy PPF to you.
Nice movement and color!!
Happy ppf!
Hugs Giggles
smashing digital work. Happy PPF, Annette x
Only a few hummingbirds in summer in Maine. They are such a treat to watch. I wonder what they think when they see us?
Lovely colors in your hummingbird painting, Gillena. The hummingbirds shunned us this year for some reason.
A beautiful haiku Gillena.
Lovely art in visual and written. I too, like very much how the ending line surprised me.
Nice work.
Thanks Soulbrush
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Giggles
much love...
Happy you dropped in Annette
much love...
happy you stopped by Donna
much love...
thanks Faye, happy you stopped by
much love...
thanks Kristjaan
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Annabelle
much love...
Thank you for your your appreciation Mary
Much love...
A hummingbird is the perfect description. Excellent
Delightful! Hummingbirds are a blur, aren't they?
happy you stopped by Alan
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Laura
much love...
Good moment, Gillena, highly relatable. Remember this one?
how long will you
remember me
nice one Bill; thanks thanks for sharing
think its called 'simpatico'(◕‿◕。)
much love...
Wonderful abstract piece. You make it look so effortless.
GLad you liked it Nicole
Much love...
Lovely images and the idea of a pilgrimage is wonderful.
Thank you for your appreciation Nicholas
much love...
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