Father's day -
the rain in torrents
restrains the heat
© gillena cox 2015
Fathers Day 2014
Fathers Day 2013
Sunday Lime 1
Happy Fathers Day to all my Lunch Break visitors and friends
Its a rainy Sunday in our Rainy Season
My father(deceased 1999) was a fire fighter; i remember receiving news of his death while at work, it was an extremely rainy day back then also, though not a June day
Share a tidbit about your dad when you drop by today
Sunday Smiles
How is your Sunday going? Today is #38 in the series 'Sunday Lime' To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below
Poetry Pantry 257
So sorry to hear of your father's loss Gillena.. my deepest condolences to you. He sounds like a wonderful and brave man.. a fire fighter.. must have had such a lot of courage for this noble occupation.
Loved the poem. My father is currently an instructor at GACA academy, he teaches aviation related subjects. I m often told to be just like him in nature :)
Lots of love,
Thanks for dropping in Sanaa my father passed away 1999; happy to hear your father is still alive wishing you both a lovely day
much love...
my condolences for your loss , hope for your best :)
One of the many things my Dad taught me.
__Face to face: If anyone displays a pompous attitude that, they are of a far deeper intellect, and of a much more notable status and respect than you...
SILENTLY smile inward, and accept their views as complements. You can reason that they may hold you as a threat to their ego; move onward. (60 plus years ago)
a wonderful haiku in remembrance...lost my father too in 2013...miss him very much...
Ah, sometimes the washing effects of rain are a good thing!
A timely poem...and enjoyed your reflection on your father this Father's Day.
And indeed we always miss them when they are gone....forever.
Thanks for dropping in Suyash
much love...
thanks for sharing the wisdom of your father magyar
much love...
thanks for your appreciation Mary
much love...
Happy you dropped in Sumana
much love...
Oh a day to remember your father.. mine died in early September.. with still some warmth left.
So sad about your father, gillena............
Thanks for sharing Bjorn
much love...
happy you dropped in Sherry; yeah he didnt make it into the 21st century
much love...
I lost my Dad in 1998...he had Alzheimer's from his early 50s to his late 60s...a painful horrible illness and end....he was the gentlest, most compassionate loving person I have ever met....and my heart breaks that he is gone....but his light shines on through me and that makes me smile again!
Happy you can smile today Donna, glad you dropped in
much love...
Hi Gillena, by example my father taught me that all people can work together.
No matter how much you loved them or talked to them when they were alive; once they have gone you still have questions for them just like you did as a child. Many of my questions would still start with the word "Why?"
ah father's day, so many fathers, happy father's day to any fathers around you dear Gillena :)
His spirit continues to leave on guiding you in every step of the way, Gillena. My father & I were not always the best of mate but I'm proud of him & grateful for everything he has done to us. Thanks for sharing your heart & your stories. Bless you!
Sometimes the weather has an uncanny knack of matching the state of our minds...i am sorry for the loss of your father..but hope there are sun filled days still
Wonderful. Thanks for sharing your tidbit
Much love...
Nice. Thanks for sharing Robin
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Lorraine
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Kevin
Much love...
Thanks Jae
Much love...
Wonderful poem, the feeling of the rain is really there.
Thanks for sharing Gillena. I like your poem and the thoughts about your father.
Mine was absent, but my grandfather stepped in and did an amazing job. I still miss him.
Hey! I love this in all of its potential meanings. My dad was a postman, but was also a volunteer firefighter and I remember him often leaping into shoes on a run out the door. His birthday, yesterday brought him to the decent age of 90.
Thanks GL
much love...
Thanks for sharing Myrna, actually i recalls having my grandfather around before my father
much love...
Nice to hear Susan
much love...
Accepted for publication
AHN/Mamba Journal : rainfall haiku series 2018
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