shower me with
your talk of better days -
slow sun rising
shower me with
your talk of better days -
slow sun rising
a bus turns wide at the curb
egrets return from their roost
© gillena cox 2015
baldwin/cox - Mango 2008
Ruby Tuesdays Too

Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #54 lost in the woods about tanka

too old for new love
the moon rises each night
as I remember
the backseats of strange cars
its helpful light afterwards
© Jane Reichhold
departing geese
King Winter is on his way
snow and frost will come
cherry blossoms bloom again
the sound of geese returning
© Chèvrefeuille
Poignant read, really nice. Greetings!
Showers, feed all things.
__Nice photo and verse, Gillena, the positive view of rain. Nature's promise is always kept. _m
Thanks for your appreciation Blogoratti
Much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Magyar
Much love...
The shower of which you so charmingly write is one that I would love to be drenched in!
Blue Broom Tanka
Thank you for your appreciation Maggie
Much love...
At first, I read "better days" as the good old days (showing my age, no doubt), but the last line turns my thoughts to what is to come. A beautifully constructed and meaningful ku, dear Gillena.
Wow what a nice post. I love how you show us the way to your tanka, prolonging your haiku as if it was the starting verse of a Tan Renga. Well done ...
a lovely lunch break indeed
lovely post .. I really like this image! Bastet
thanks for your appreciation Bill
much love...
happy you dropped by Rhymes
much love...
Thanks for dropping in to read mine George
much love...
So, so beautiful, shower me with cool Fall ing leaves, dear Gillena
ooh is it already autumn where you live Lorraine
happy you dropped in
much love...
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