[image from google dot com]
Independence Day
all the fireworks
in your eyes
© Jane Reichhold(1937-2016)
I remember Lynx online magazine with all its interesting segments: haiku, tanka collabrations and much more. and its handbook type AHA poetry. Here i would read and checklist every so often to keep my
haiku craft fresh. It was here at [XXIII:2June 2008] that my book
'Moments' was reviewed by Jane.
Alas my haiku spirit meanders here and there. Especially since getting into Facebook, with a myriad of groups keep popping up. So i strayed from Lynx for quite a long time. Then came a time to catch up.
This happened at Carpe Diem when Kristjaan our delightful host introduced the Ask Jane Section. And so another chapter of interaction started up. However this phase was short lived. It was at Facebook while prompting for NaHaiWriMo this August that i read Micheal Dylan Welch's report of Jane's passing. Sad news for the community-NaHaiWriMo and the rest of the haiku world. Rest in Peace dear Jane.
this vast azure sky -
nonchalant the drift of clouds
perfectly above
© gillena cox 2016
Carpe Diem Extra August 6th 2016 first tribute Theme Week Jane Reichhold For this first episode of this special Theme Week, Kristjaan asks us to share thoughts and favorite haiku by Jane Reichhold

<3 <3 <3
Thanks for dropping in Paloma
Much love...
Beautiful story awesome.
__ In my quietude I posted this, to note Jane Reichhold's passing; she being carried on that breeze to another realm of flowers. _m
life's breeze
carries this butterfly
new flowers
Thanks Kristjaan
Much love...
Oh this is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing Magyar
Much love...
She helped me a lot in developing my haiku craft. Personally sent me her Haiku book, which was so much helpful. Thanks for giving a lot to us, Jane. Blessed.
Nana, thanks for dropping in and sharing
much love...
I only leared of Jane's death yesterday. I've learned much from her writings which were clear and very informative. She will be missed.
changing seasons
remembering the summer
and the well spent days
Thanks for sharing Adelaide, yes! she will be greatly missed, such a precious gem to the haiku world
much love...
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