[This is my first layer, i took a photo of it, after the painting was finished i realized i liked this first stage too, so i added, text to the photo digitally and created a haiga]
curve after curve
the road turns
sign after sign
showing the way
© gillena cox 2016
[Here's another haiga using a crop of the finished painting]

shell in the sand
the ocean shares her secrets
under cloud-filled sky
© gillena cox 2016
Went to the beach on Wednesday and brought back some ideas to share at today's PPF; ENJOY

['Seashell' still using my Gouche paints on water colour paper 5inches x 7inches]

[my song choice for today]
Beautiful work and words Gillena!
Happy you dropped in Christine
much love...
Love the paintings, Gillena. Very nice colors.
Happy you dropped in Faye
much love...
Such gorgeous colorful art and lovely haiga.
this post just sings to my heart Gillena. Beautiful art, poems, and I love the Seashells song! Thank you, and have a wonderful weekend!
Happy you dropped in Julie
much love...
Thanks for dropping in Linda
much love...
interesting work. Nice to see the progress.
Thanks for dropping in NF
much love...
Wow great post full of beauty and song! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs Giggles
__ Grand art, verses, and their presentation Gillena_! _m
Beautiful art and verses. Enjoyed both.
Beautiful and peaceful art and the words just make it even more so ♥
Thanks for your appreciation Giggles
much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Magyar
much love...
Thanks for dropping in Indira
much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Carol
much love...
OOhhh I really do love the colors. Adding the words set it off perfectly.
Thanks for your appreciation Nicole
much love...
Lovely original style! I always love your poems.
Thanks June
much love...
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