Sunday, September 03, 2017


winged thoughts rise skyward -
your kind winds and warming sun
dear sweet September

© gillena cox 2017

Dear Sweet September, Be kind to us all

Sunday Smiles

O flower garment
When I take it off
Various strings coil round me
© Sugita Hisajo (1890-1946)

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #50 in the series The Sunday Standard when 5-7-5 haiku is featured. Here's wishing you a happy Sunday email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today at

Poetry Pantry #369


Recuerda Mi Corazon - kindness


Enjoy The Music

Dont Leave Before You See Again
3 September 2015
Sunday Savvy 50
Sunday Lime 50


Jae Rose said...

Such sweet words

Gillena Cox said...

Glad you dropped in Jae

much love...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I LOVE September. Am so happy to feel it transforming summer into fall.

John Buchanan said...

Sweet reminders of the pleasure of Autumn. Thank you.

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for dropping by Sherry

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in John

much love...

Angie said...

a sweet welcome sign for September

brudberg said...

I love it, if September were good it would be like that.

Anonymous said...

sweet September indeed

Lea said...

I love that last line endearment...

Julian said...

Gentle writing for the soul of September. Most pleasurable to read

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Angie

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Björn

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Paul

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Glad you dropped by Lea

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Julian

Much love...

Mary said...

Sweet September...the last breath of summer!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

It is sweet here too, as the beginning of Spring. A lovely month, wherever. :)

tonispencer said...

I love September and October, November, December. We are still having temps here in the 90's so summer is still swinging her hips and sashaying to a rhumba beat. I like your poem!

indybev said...

Dear sweet September indeed! Well said.

Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts as we move forward

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm pretty sure I just saw September curtsy with delight at your haiku.

Happiest Sunday, Gillena.

Old Egg said...

Be careful Gillena this sounds like flattery so that you will get kind winds there and not stormy ones!

Dr. Vandana Sharma said...

amazing september

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Mary

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Rosemary

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Tganks for your appreciation Toni

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Bev

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Martin

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Magaly

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Robin

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Vandana

Much love...

Diane Mayr said...

Enjoy the month. Your granddaughter looked so grown-up in her back-to-school uniform. In all honesty, I don't like the time between September and the end of December, but I'm clearly in the minority!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Diane, Glad you liked the photo of Zuri. She ahs settled into the reality of a new school and making new friends.

I kind of like the [ber] months as it takes us closer to Christmas

much love...

Blogoratti said...

Wonderful thought indeed and nicely done. Greetings.

Sarah Russell said...

Perhaps my favorite month. Well, except for October. I love October too. A fall person, I guess. Lovely thoughts about the season.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Sweet September indeed!💖 Lovely write, Gillena.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Love your sweet tribute to September!

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you MMT

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Blogoratti

much love...

J C said...

Oh I love September!

Gillena Cox said...

Glad you dropped by JC

Much 😍 love