ravaged green pastures -
anguished cries of displacement
to a Good Shepherd
alleluia songs -
resounding its echoes
rowdy thunder bolts
ah yes there be days
this is earth's behavior -
Dear book of His Word
© gillena cox 2017
kyrie eleison
Sunday Smiles to intercessors and caregivers
the morning glory-
the well-bucket entangled
I ask for water
© Chiyo ni (1703-1775)
Blog hopping today at
imaginary garden

My Dearest Book, I Wrote You a Poem…

Poetry Pantry #369

Recuerda Mi Corazon - Good Shepherd
Enjoy The Music
Don't Leave Before You See Again
10 September 2016
Sunday Savvy 51
Sunday Lime 51
A heartfelt poem Gillena
Beautifully profound write, Gillena.
Ravaged green pastures? Not quite like those described in Psalm 23, eh?
Speaks to the state of the world today, I think!
Thanks for your appreciation Jae
Much 😍 love
Thanks for your appreciation Sanaa
Much 😍 love
Thanks for your appreciation MMT
much 😍 love
Indeed. Thanks for dropping by Mary
Much 😍 love
Beautiful words.
Hope you are OK Gillena. Was thinking of you with all the mayhem caused by the hurricanes in your part of the world. Prayers for you and yours and all of your neighbours.
Take care and God bless .
" My shepherd is the Lord
there is nothing I shall want
Fresh and green are the pastures
where he gives me repose
Near restful waters he leads me
to revive my drooping spirit
My shepherd is the Lord
nothing indeed shall I want.
Surely goodness will follow me always
till the end of my days"
Thank you Rall we in Trinidad and Tobago were not in the path of these last ones. Our last call for this year was "Bret"
much love...
What an apt book for Sunday... lovely write
a book worthy of your poem - Hallelujah!
Thanks for dropping by Björn
Much 😍 love
there must be many prayers rising this week. May the storms and waters calm.
Thank you Gillena for these prayers... and these beautiful words from your heart.
Thanks for dropping by Laura
Much 😍 love
Indeed Sherry. Thanks for dropping by
Much 😍 love
Glad you dropped by Lea
Much love...
dearest gillena,
praying for everyone... safety, comfort and peace.
thank you for this haiku which is new to my eyes and now etched on my heart.
the morning glory-
the well-bucket entangled
I ask for water
It seems those ravaged days are too much too soon recently....need more alleluias.
Glad you dropped in Rebecca
much love...
Indeed Donna, thanks for dropping in
much love...
A very lovely full of faith poem.
Thanks for dropping in Toni
much love...
I guessed you were not in the path of the cyclones but may still have got a drenching. Keep safe Gillena.
It seems we may share the sane views on the book.
Nice take on the prompt.
An impactful, brilliantly rendered piece ... a beautiful evocation.
ravaged green pastures -
anguished cries of displacement
Very well worded and powerful
very nice poem
Nice info thanks for sharing
Latest Govt jobs in Tamilnadu
Thanks for dropping by Robin
Much love...
Glad you dropped Martin
Much love...
Thank you Rosemary
Much love...
Thanks Wendy
Much love...
Thank you Marja
Much love...
Nicely written....so good to read...
Happy you dropped by sreeja
much love...
Deep thoughts, hope you are safe, Gillena
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