Sunday, June 09, 2019


[journal page 5.5 by 8inches; pencil sketch; haiku written with a ballpoint pen]
chasing a fly
a newspaper rolled to use
as a swatter

a disturbance
in silent meditation mode -
that buzzing sound

eyes fixed
regardless of the breeze
lifting the curtains
© gillena cox 2019

We Beat Festival 2019 is going on
[We Beat schedule 2019]

Sunday Smiles


[As I haiku my heart today 'breezy']

a weekly unfurling of tiny jubilant love


Poetry Pantry #482


Carpe Diem
#1677 Troiku Month (6) Chasing A Fly

[haiku prompt]
chasing a fly
in silent meditation mode
eyes fixed
© Chèvrefeuille

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #39 of the series SUMI-E SUNDAYS. Tell me about your Sunday
email me
post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below


Sunday Standard 39
Sunday Lime 39
9th June 2017

[my photo 6 years ago tents ready for the We BeatFestival]


Ken Gierke / rivrvlogr said...

Experiencing all that surrounds us. Nice.

Wendy Bourke said...

An awesome little capture. You've sketched a lovely breezy troika scene here, Gillena. Nicely done. There is something about the word 'breezy', I find, that just seems to lift a poetic moment … even a moment chasing a fly ~ smiles ~

Myrna R. said...

I smiled and read this a few times. I have a fly in my house right now that refuses to leave or be swatted. Love your illustration.

Mary said...

Oh, I can hear the buzzing of that fly!! So annoying.

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Ken


Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Wendy


Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Myrna


Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Mary


Sanaa Rizvi said...

Having a housefly flying around is quite common here .. though I prevent them from coming in. Lovely write, Gillena!❤️

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

Your drawing and Haiku were impressive. I took a calligraphy class last year but don't find much time to practice it.

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Sanaa


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for droppibg by Cie


Margaret said...

Somehow, I hope this one got away... :)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

We have bees buzzing at Poets United, and a trapped fly buzzing here - on the same page today, Gillena. Smiles.

Old Egg said...

Luckily flies are rare beasts for me living in an apartment...hopefully it stays that way.

Gillena Cox said...

😊happy you dropped by Margaret


Gillena Cox said...

😊yup, thanks for dropping by Sherry


Gillena Cox said...

😊thanks for dropping by Robin


rallentanda said...

What an excellent troiku! Very impressed. Love your illustration.

signed...bkm said...

eyes fixed
regardless of the breeze

my favorite image...thank you...bkm

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Flies are so annoying. Thank goodness for rolled newspapers!

Janice said...

Love the thought of a breeze. Nice drawing for the prompt.

brudberg said...

I do love what you capture there... the buzzing sound of a fly, I really want to see it leave.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Rall


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by bkm


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by MMT


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Janice


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Björn


J C said...

I do like poetry and thoughts about real life. An annoying fly is real life. As is the breeze, and I felt it coming through your curtains.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Terrific troiku; great sketch.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation JC

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Rosemary


Mark said...

Flies can be so annoying when one is trying to meditate!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Mark


Adelaide said...

GREAT! A single fly can be so annoying.


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Adelaide
