Friday, June 10, 2022


Newsprint in June

orange juice binge -
more and more my knees hurt
a rainy day
© gillena cox 2022

'She Luvs Hats'
this face was first posted HERE

Welcome to Art For Fun Friday #12


cole slaw...sliced green figs... stewed red beans... a glass of beer




Friday Writings #Friday Writings #30: Beloved Books

I read in 2017 
'Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin'
read my review at Goodreads HERE

Minli sets out on an adventure to prosper her family's poverty. She walks along with footsteps buffered by her father's stories and a heart heavy laden from her mother's sorrow at their plight of poverty. Along the way she meets with echoes of her good heart and the wings of her imagination come to life.

wings of a dragon
the sure flight of fantasy -
a safe return home
© gillena cox 2022

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are (Official) 

Art For Fun Friday 
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Buy my books for (Children)Available from authourhouse bookstoreAvailable from



Christine said...

Nice piece Gillena and good food. Thanks for hosting.

Adelaide said...

rainy days and knee pain. . .I know what that's like

feel better


Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Tasty looking food and a good piece.
Thank you for hosting.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Adelaide


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Dixie


DVArtist said...

Ohh painting on news paper, I love it. It's still raining here too. Sorry your knees hurt. I do like Bruno Mars, thanks for the vidi. Congratulations on your books. Also thank you for joining in with Friday Face OFF. Have a great day today.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by and linking up Nicole

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Most enjoyable. I particularly love the haibun about what sounds like a delightful book. (And am wondering if it is the orange juice or the rain making your knees hurt, or maybe the juice is an attempt to help them get better?)

Debi Swim said...

I'm checking out your books on Amazon!
Love your artist talent and creativity.

rebecca said...

my mother says she can predict the weather by the way her knees feel! she is 93 and is the most fun person i know! she would also approve and applaud of your beer with lunch!
enjoy a delicious weekend, thanks for your place in our haiku hearts!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

One of these days I'm going to have to join your linky, Gillena. I sure love your juice on newsprint. Very clever idea. Your lunch looks good, too. It is nice to see vegetarian dishes for a change.

Lea said...

I love the newspaper print orange juice. I hope your knees are better and that you are enjoying the rain. Thank you for the feast you have prepared for us! Including Bruno Mars!

Anonymous said...

Spouse of difference
Adapts sooner or later
Makes best of bargain
_ _ _

My mom was a city girl but adapted to Dad's farm way of life. Grandpa, their sharecrop landlord, told mom that Dad was to be in charge of the farm and farm animals but she was to be the boss of the house. Soon she also ran the chicken and egg business.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Rosemary. It just might be both


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Debi


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Rebecca


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Elizabeth


Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Lea


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Jim.


Thotpurge said...

Love how you've painted on newspaper... and that plate is yummy indeed!

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Rajani


Magaly Guerrero said...

Rainy days are tough on the joints, thank goodness for something yummy to sip!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Magaly

Much ❤love

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The sweetness of the orange juice juxtaposed with knee pain is a startling image.

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Maggie

Much ❤love

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I love what you did with the newspaper ad, Gillena. So very cool. I must pay attention on whether the weather affects my knees. :-)

rudraprayaga said...

Rainy days, idle days, then all the discomforts will crop up. A good read.

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Su-sieee

Much ❤love

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Rudra

Much ❤love