Friday, June 30, 2023


This June i had been painting water colour splashes with felt marker out lines: Today's: A bunch of coconuts on a tree

The Origin of The Coconut Vendor lorries, or ornate new advertising wagons, have been a fixture in Port-of-Spain seemingly forever. Long before bottled water and cheap, plastic bottled soft drinks, the easy way to refresh oneself after a hot day in the city was to pay a penny and have a vendor wield a razor-sharp cutlass across a coconut, guzzle the sweet water and then have it hacked open, so that the jelly inside could be eaten with an improvised spoon made from a chip of the same coconut shell. READ MORE HERE 

I made cucumber water.
What would you do with any one or all of these veggies  Tell me in the comments ☺


Welcome to Art For Fun Friday #66


With all the rain we've been getting, the bougainvillea shrub is now green. The bracts from sunny days have fallen off😕
All About Numbers

[From my archives]
Here am i Year 2020 with my coconut i bought from the vendor behind me😊

Today's haiku was first posted at Facebook during this week

rainy days are the best
when the Netflix romance guy
makes his woman laugh
© gillena cox 2023

Thanks to the editors
4 collaborations written with Linda Lee
2 cherita And 2 TanRenga

My Granddaughter 💖Zuri and two of her peers in a mini recital on Wednesday of this week



My cell phone charger which i had bought a few day past fell and the part to put into the phone broke of and one of the tiny wires busted so i had to rush out and buy a new one😕
Then i was redesigning an  oversized styled  jump suit which i had not worn in a long while and my scissors fell and the handle broke. Now i cannot use it 
 I have to buy new scissors; 😕but i finished my redesign project

Hope your month of June was a good one
Bye Bye month of June


This linky list is now closed.


My name is Erika. said...

I'm loving the palm tree and the background looks like sunset-so pretty. And cucumber water is the best. Thanks for reminding me I need to make some. :) And I hope nothing else breaks on you. It is always such a pain when those things happen. Happy weekend with nothing broken Gillena. hugs-Erika

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Makes me long to return to areas where I have enjoyed those coconut drinks. So refreshing, and doubtless nutritious too.

Christine said...

Sorry about all that bad luck. Nice art and onto July!

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your coconuts! Nice to see your granddaughter. Hope nothing else breaks! Hugs, Valerie

LA Paylor said...

I love palm trees! cucumber water sounds refreshing, is it? your grand is beautiful, bet she also has a beautiful spirit

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Erika


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by David


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Christine


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Valerie


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by LeeAnna


J C said...

Yes, bye bye June. I will not miss you this year. You have been way way too stingy with your rainwater. Gillena, I adore your drawings. You draw so simple, and so free, and it takes the viewer right into your art and puts them on scene. I can feel your lovely coconut tree, fronds swaying in the breeze, coconuts ready to drop or be cut to share their delicious, cooling drink. Mother Nature is so thoughtful sometimes. I really need to do that art Friday thingy. I dont know what is holding me back.

Rostrose said...

Dear Gillena,
I love coconut drinks 😍! Whenever I come to countries where coconuts grow I have to buy and drink at least one, I like this refreshment so much and it's healthy and plastic free.

Warm July greetings and all the best, Traude

DVArtist said...

A very lovely post. I love this art so much. Your granddaughter is just beautiful, like you. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend. Oh and your veggies look amazing.

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Judie


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Traude


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Nicole


My name is Erika. said...

And I just noticed you joined us at AJJ GIllena. Thank you for linking up.

Gillena Cox said...

It was lovly sharing for the 'numbers' prompt


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I love cocoanut milk ... my mother would buy them then punch a whole in the "eye" and pour the milk out for my sister and I to drink and then we would eat the meat like candy :) I also drank cocoanut milk in Thailand with a straw. I also love cucumbers and read an article recently that told me how many good things there are in a single cucumber ... good healthy food :) Now Zuri ... what a sweet and beautiful child and talented as well. Thank you for sharing. I know you must be proud as punch ... I know I would be. Wonderful post, Gillena ... Thank you for making me smile :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Andrea
