a roadside treat
easy breezy Sunday
and a brisk trade
the street vendors
cut with the greatest of skill
fresh green coconuts
clumped together on a branch
water filled
refreshing drink -
truck-piled the empty nuts
fit for the dump
© gillena cox
Western Main Road 2015
Western Main Road 2013
Sunday Lime 1
A good way to get the Sunday going is to drink a coconut water. Here in St James, the vendors along the Western Main Road will sell you a freshly cut nut and you can drink the water from the nut or with a straw. They also sell you bottled coconut water.
Welcome to Sunday Lime #47 Sunday Smiles
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remember this oldie
Coconut water - so delicous and rare with us!
I like it since childhood, but only by Christmas we got one coconut every year)
Have a blessed new week
Happy you dropped by Mascha
much love...
Sounds so refreshing... I never had it, but I can understand that it is refreshing.
mmm!delicious cool drink from the fresh fruit!
reminds me of familiar scenes over here. i don't know how those vendors cut those coconuts, turning the fruit on one hand and chopping away with a big blade on another. real skills. :)
I've never had it, but I love the coconut meat.
all the best and happy Sunday
Yup. those coconuts that make up islands or the other way around. thanks for the memories. good lunch break image for any day here in DC.
Real skills. Happy you dropped in Cheong San
Much love...
Thanks for dropping by Adelaide
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in James
Much love...
Nothing like a fresh coconut to cheer up your day :D
Beautifully executed :D
Lots of love,
Thanks for dropping in and linking up Sanaa
Much love...
I can feel the atmosphere of the market.
Thanks for dropping in Sherry
Much love...
Now that would be amazing to drink the coconut water right from the coconut...love the image!
Personally a big fan of street vendors.
In NYC, down near Chinatown, the guys set up boxes
and slice samples with a big machette.
When I was in Miami a few weeks ago,
I got coconuts right off the tree - well what fell
from the tree after the storms.
This is a lovely tale you tell. I'm sure the coconuts are smiling! ;)
Oh I would LOVE to have some of the fruit sold by those vendors!
Happy you dropped by Donna
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in X
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Maggie
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Maggie
Much love...
I was interested to note that you called it coconut water, for I remember it being called coconut milk. I guess that is some government regulation because the coconut has no teats?
Over here you would have to have a licence to sell on the street unless it was in front of your own property.
I like the scene you paint, Gillena, and would not mind a drink of that coconut water.
Thanks for including the video, I enjoy the old Belafonte records and this tune and "Jump the Line" remind me of the times growing up when listened to the radio almost exclusively.
Your street vendor poems remind me of the times when a man drove his horse and cart down my grandmother's street selling vegetables. I'm feeling nostalgic today, I guess.
Mmmm.....that sounds absolutely delicious :-)
Coconut milk is what younger when you grate dried coconuts and extract the liquid. Coconut water looks like water and is contained in the green coconut
Glad you dropped in Robin
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Gabriella
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Diane
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in CC
Much love...
very refreshing :)
Every refreshing words is as wonderful as the song, and so engaging, what a lovely post Gillena!
aw...i love coconut water...refreshing indeed...
A great scene you've paimted for us.
You take me there with words/image/song. Great!
Your words have made my mouth water...
Thanks for dropping in Natasa
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Sumana
Much love...
Thanks .GL
Much love...
Happy you dropped by Susan
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Magaly
Much love...
Thanks Satyr
Much love...
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