Welcome to Lunch break 's Birthday Bash 2008.
The first post to lunch break was uploaded January 18th 2006.
In 2007 i invited haiku for a Lunch break birthday bash
Lunchbreak 1st birthday bashThis year i invited images. Thank You to all who contributed.

Photo "my back yard" and haiku from Paula Fisher
working Sunday
the view from home
on screen
Paula Fisher lives in Key Largo FL and in AL-Egaila, Kuwait.

Photo 'Rose' and haiku 'Still Frame' from Nan Forehand
pink rose suspended
time can not touch the petals
a love immortal
Nan Forehand, is from North Carolina.

Photo "baby-reacing-team-story" from Kitsune Miko
Kitsune Miko lives Palo Alto, California

Photo "Greetings 08" fromKuniharu Shimizu
Kuniharu is from Japan

Photo "Camellias, Linnean House, Missouri Botanical Garden " from Cindy Tebo
Cindy is from Missouri

Photo and haiku "Autumn Night " from Angelika Kolompar
Autumn night
her full face visits again
in a purple glow
Angelika Kolompar lives on Vancouver Island, Canada

Photo "nengajou2008 " from Museki Abe
Museki Abe is from Japan
All images have been scaled to a height of 300pxs.