Friday, August 21, 2015


I made a sketch of Caricature Plant leaves. Took a photos of the sketch and the leaves; Combined photo and sketches, to create a digital piece. I still don't know what I've come up with, so let's have some fun. Suggest a title for this piece above. And now here a little bit of the process in collage

I am blog hopping today at
PPF Week 24, Year 5

the yellow underbelly of a kiskadee resting
on high voltages wires this dull sunlit morning
like a daub of sunshine splashes of yellow on leaves

© gillena cox

Caricature 2014
Caricature 2013
Caricature 2012


Unknown said...

oh all pieces of you , so elegant, so beautiful always so loving, beautiful Gillena, have a lovely weekend full of the joy you always spread to everyone

Valerie-Jael said...

This is beautiful, very elegant and delicate, love it! Hugs, Valerie

Gillena Cox said...

thanks Valerie

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

thanks Valerie

Much love...

Wanda said...

I would call it "A Birds eye view of Creation" It's lovely.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your suggestion Wanda

much love...

My name is Erika. said...

I love your piece this week. You were very creative with what you did with those leaves. have a wonderful weekend.

Magyar said...

__Nice, and yes... there is that creative collage of your art, and the art of nature... in a digital presentation. Digital is quantitative. Realism is your art, and art of nature: "Digital Realism." _m

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Erika

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Oh nice. Thank you Magyar

Much love...

froebelsternchen said...

So beautiful !

Jo said...

Just beautiful, Gillena. I love your new avatar picture!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Susi

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Jo

much love...

Carol said...

Very nice... I like the drawing itself and then you went and made it "WOW" with the digital work... WELL DONE♥

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Carol

Much love...

Giggles said...

Lovely digital Gillena. Oh and I tried to convince Cupcake she needed a chives stake instead of a lemon balm one...she won!! Chives are there year around!

Hugs Giggles

Misty said...

Simply Beautiful!