Defining Haiku here at Lunch Break that's 30 days, November 1st - 30th of haiku features
The haiku in today's haiga(illustrated haiku)
chicken hawks
circling circling...
cumulus puffs
--gillena cox
Today's note - kukai
Another community sphere of haiku is kukai; in this gathering, there is a given topic which everyone will use in the haiku writing exercise; the coordinator will list all the poems and distribute to all players, who then score and comment on poems, a player is not permitted to score or comment on his or her poem. The coordinator tallies and presents to the gathering the scored poems. In contest mood, coordinators highlight first second and third placings
I invite you to share some of your expertise on kukai with me
Thank you Lorraine for
Cumulus puffs
seen so often
at the river
once upon a time
Today's tag

Cumulus puffs
seen so often
at the river
once upon a time
Sweet; i'm posting this up front; glad yo dropped in
much love...
Yes a big applause for this article, you have a way of saying things natural way, simple and so true, I pull my hat to you !!
It's great that the article thank you for uploading, hopefully useful for writers and those who read
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