You are welcome to treat my 6-word design as a wordle and add a verse (long or short) at comments. Have a nice Saturday
For today's six word Saturday, i just opened the dictionary and chose 6 words. Humbug, humor, ice, husk, hurl, hunt; i put them together in a digital design; and thought ice was just not fitting in, for some reason, so i added a 'd' for dice
Okay so in keeping with my blog process, i'll now try to write a haiku using at least on of the six words: here goes
hurl of a dice -
at the base of a ladder
the game button rests
© gillena cox 2015
Great way to approach the six-word challenge!
My Six Words
Thanks for dropping in Maggie
much love...
That's a good idea!
Happy you dropped in Elaine
much love...
Sorry, too scrambled to attempt. My alibi: it's technically Sunday now. Moving on.
Happy you dropped in Ron
much love...
Nice one. Love the haiku. Hopefully the next throw of dice climbed the ladder!
Happy you dropped in Suzy
much love...
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